Soul News &

Words of Wisdom

May 2023

Surprises and Reconnections

Dear Beautiful Soul,

Life has a way of surprising us at times with experiences that transform our body, mind, heart, and spirit. Experiences that move our soul, enlighten our spirit, protect us from negativity, and make us live in a place of wonder and curiosity. And sometimes those experiences are reconnecting with beautiful souls who have been part of our life path earlier on but who we lost touch with in the chaos of life.
I recently had another book signing event at Chapters in Mississauga and had some great conversations with customers who purchased a signed copy of my book, many who I could relate with their own experiences.

As I was speaking with one customer, another was in line to get her copy of my book autographed. When I looked to see who it was, by complete surprise I realized it was a friend from my past.
A girlfriend who played a very significant role in my life. It was THE girlfriend who was with me the night of my diving accident, Tamara Brown! (who is included in my list of gratitude to the souls in my life at the back of my book).

With a gush of emotions coming over me all at once I was filled with love, gratitude, and most of all surprise! I was speechless! The presence of this dear soul made my day! She had driven all the way from Collingwood to surprise me and she did just that.
Fortunately, it was nearing the end of the book signing that day, so we decided to go have dinner and catch up. So much to catch up on after 25 years of losing touch, is a challenge to do in just a couple of hours. I was so moved by this experience and very grateful to see and reconnect with this dear friend from my past. Life is short – embrace the love and miracles in the moment!
Angela & Tamara Brown (1989)
With that, I had another surprise connection pop up and that was with a woman who worked for my dad, Judith Brecknell, and used to facilitate his goal setting program, the one which I completed and changed my life forever! Her husband was cleaning up his email box and came across an email exchange we had about eight years previously and thought he’d reach out to say ‘hi’ and see how I was. This led to another opportunity to reconnect with another person who is noted in the back of my book regarding gratitude to the souls in my life. (Zoom meetings are a blessing when distance is an issue).
Sue Auty, Paul MacDonald (My Dad) and Judith Brecknell (1989)
And to top it off, another woman who worked for my Dad, Sue Auty, also reconnected with me. Ironically, Sue knocked on my door at home one day, realizing I live a few houses down from her parents - small world. Sue shared her gratitude for those years she worked for and with my dad. Thank you Sue for purchasing my book and for your testimonial!
The Universe has a way about it in guiding people to reconnect for a greater purpose - whether it's for just that one moment, for a short period of time, or for a longer period of time. Listen to your soul, trust your intuition, look for the signs, and be sure to embrace these precious moments. My heart is filled with love and gratitude to reconnect with these beautiful souls and hope to keep in touch. Life is short! Life with time can come full circle. If there is someone out there that you wonder about where life led them, someone you’d love to reconnect with, put it out there in some way. Envision it, manifest it, surrender it to the Universe and see what magic and miracles unfold!

Believe in miracles because you're one of them!

With Gratitude and for Greater Success,
Angela MacDonald, BBA-HR, ATC, PSC
Learning and Development Consultant
Executive, Career, and Wellness Coach

Excerpt from Absolutely I’m Possible!

“What if living in wonderment will invite positive surprises into your life? What happens when you are open and in allowance for surprises in life? More possibilities present themselves! Surprises can be life-altering, transformative, empowering, energizing, uplifting, and joyful. All it takes is being open to what life presents to you. When we resist surprises, it is often due to a need for control based on past hurts or negative experiences. It’s as though you have an invisible wall around you that prevents you from living a phenomenal life. What else is possible when you surrender? How much better can things get when you invite surprises into your life? Surprises don’t always need to come from another person. Surprises can come in many forms and from many sources. The Universe gives to us when we are open to receive. How much are you willing to receive? The more we live in wonderment and curiosity, the more surprises we will embrace because we are not controlled by judgment, a need for control, or a need to know. This is the power of living in the present moment.

Ever since I was a child, I have lived from a magical child archetype state of being. Therefore, I see the world as a gold mine of possibilities. With that comes constant questions and a curiosity about life. I am eager to learn, and once I learn something, I tend to ask, “What else is there to learn? What more is there to this?” My experiences with my diving accident, brain surgery, car accident, eye surgery, and so on opened me up to ask what else is possible. Being curious and in the question is a natural part of my makeup. That’s why I often ask, “If I can do, be, or have that, what else can I do, be, or have?” It’s about stepping outside the limitations of conditioned thinking. For me there is no end in sight; the path is continuous. I constantly ask, “What’s next? And what’s after that?” As long as we remain open and in a magical child state of curiosity and allowance, we will live in phenomenal ways that are beyond imagination. How about embracing this approach to life?

How are you going to begin living in a state of wonderment? What are you willing to do, be, or have that will put you in a place of awe at any given moment? How are you going to invite surprises into your life? How are you going to live a more phenomenal life? What would your life be like if you lived from a place of kindness, gratitude, peace, and joy? What energy, space, and consciousness will allow for more possibilities? What if living from joyful curiosity will allow you to receive anything you ask for? What else is possible? How much better can things get then that? These are just a handful of the many questions you can ponder as you strive to make this shift and begin living from a place of wonderment. This will put you on the path to a phenomenal life well lived.”
~ Angela MacDonald

Words of Wisdom

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I purchased your book Absolutely I'm possible. I finally read the book. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down and finished the book in 3 days. I'm speechless - it was amazing! It really inspired me and gave me a different outlook to life.

The body believes what the mind is saying. And so, a belief in yourself can lead to transformational change. Once you start to tell yourself that it is possible then you can do it! Her captivating story Absolutely Impossible I'm Possible will inspire you to take the leap in your own life in struggles you may be dealing with. Many, many lessons can be learned from her honest tale of the obstacles she has overcome….

~ Cathy Luciani

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