Positive Psychology Coaching - The Good Model
G – Goal
Identify the goal you want to focus on.
- What is a goal that you want to focus on?
- How does this goal fit with your vision or purpose for this chapter in your life?
- What outcome would you like to have?
- What type of change would make your life even better?
- How would you feel when you achieve this goal?
O – Options
Co-create action steps that allow you to practice behaviours that are likely to increase well-being.
- What other ways might your goals develop?
- What other possibilities do you see?
- What other choices do you have in your career with who you are in this moment?
- What are the options for you to be more aligned with your core values
- What other avenues could you take to explore the skills that you would require to move into the next direction/position?
O – Obstacles
Explore obstacles that may hinder taking the chosen action steps and develop a plan to move past them.
- What challenges might present themselves that could work against you in achieving your goals?
- What do you view as an obstacle or challenge that may get in your way?
- How would you respond to an unexpected obstacle or challenge?
- What internal obstacles may get in your way of achieving this goal?
- What external obstacles may get in your way of achieving this goal?
D – Do
What specific steps will you take to increase your well being?
- What strategies or actions are you willing to take to achieve your goal?
- What is your priority and timeline to achieve this goal?
- What immediate action will you take to transform this goal into reality?
- What steps will you accomplish this week?
- How much time will each step take?
Adler Coaching Model
Coaching is a way to create change that will lead to a desired outcome. It is an opportunity to increase awareness, design action steps, plan and set goals, and manage progress and accountability. Coaching is about being creative, resourceful, and whole. It guides you to identify:
- Issue and Insight – What’s up? What do you want?
- Choice and Commitment – What are your choices? What do you commit to?
- Action and Accountability – What’s next? How will you be held accountable?
Outer layer represents the goals of coaching. Goals for change fall into three categories: Performance, Learning, and Fulfillment. These are each inter-related where fulfillment provides the basic motivation for performance and learning goals.
The inner layer represents the conditions in the client that are linked to positive change. A coach facilitates change through working with three basic conditions in you, the client including: Awareness, Choice, Trust in Essential Self. As a client, you gain greater awareness in yourself and your world, will expand your choices for effective action, and develop your self-trust and in turn move forward with your intention. You will start to take more effective actions that will lead you toward achieving your goals.
The middle layer represents how coaching contributes to forward movement and the creation of desired results. A coach enhances awareness, expands choice, and builds self-trust over time through: Conversation, Relationship, and Process. Conversation is the key medium for coaching, with relationship and process which supports effective conversations.
- What if you have the power within to change your career, relationships, health, and spirituality in positive ways?
- What if coaching will provide you with possibilities that you haven’t dreamed of, yet are waiting for you to embrace?
- How much better can it get?
- What else is possible?
Choosing The Best Coaching path for you
Positive Psychology Health and Wellness Coaching
- What is your purpose at this stage in your life?
- What are your strengths?
- What are your values?
- What is the meaning of your life?
- What choices have you been making that are not getting you the results you desire?
- What alternative possibilities can you consider?
- What areas of your life feel out of balance?
- How would you like to create balance in those areas of your life?
- What will it look like when you are making significant progress on your goal?
- What is the smallest step that will have the biggest impact?
Positive Psychology Health and Wellness Coaching explores a multitude of areas including physical health and well-being, positive emotions, flow and quality of life, vision planning, stress management and mindfulness meditation, coaching for healthy eating and weight management, the power of gratitude, creating emotional prosperity, financial well-being, and career and work life balance. It utilizes the use of strength-based coaching approaches with strength-based assessments. It explores your level of satisfaction about your own well-being, helps you set goals and create an action plan to achieve those goals. A Health and Wellness Coach works with individuals and groups in a client focused journey to empower the client to achieve their own health and wellness related goals. They support the client with making behavioural changes, use their insight and inner strengths, set goals, and create action plans for healthy lifestyle changes.
Wellness Coaching includes the use of assessments for insight and guidance including but not limited to psychometric assessments, a wheel of wellness, quality of life, fitness questionnaire, coaching self-assessment, goals, the ideal self, values, and strengths.
You will examine areas of well-being and your current satisfaction scale, in turn, setting goals to reach your preferred levels of satisfaction scale for those areas which include but are not limited to: happiness; engagement and interest; meaning and purpose; resilience; relationships; health; sleep; stress; management; inner peace; family; career; financial; and gratitude.
Positive Psychology Health and Wellness Coaching interconnects with Executive Coaching and Career Coaching.