11th Day of Coaching – Group Coaching:
Let’s make 2021 a year of building successful teams and employees! Here’s an opportunity to implement Group Coaching into your workplace. Take advantage of Executive, Career, and Wellness Coaching along with Team Building Workshops to hire and build successful contributors in your organization. This will get your staff and organization moving in the direction of desired action to create positive results and improved performance! It’s time to take life back into your own hands and get a greater return on employees (ROE)!
I am also super excited to share the news about my transformational non-fiction teaching memoir that I’ll be launching in 2021! Stay tuned… more to come on that!
In the meantime, I invite you to check out my blog for the 11th Day of Coaching – Group Coaching, and let me know how I may be of service to yourself, your organization, or a referral you may have who is looking to make some positive changes in regards to their career, performance, ROE, and overall well-being!